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Mission Teams

A team of 6 from all over the U.S. just completed a mission trip to Uganda from September 7 - 24, 2021.  Plans are underway for a mission team to go to Uganda in 2022.  If you are interested in joining this team or another one in the future, let us know and information can be sent to you with basics about costs and preparation needed.


Nutrition Rehabilitation Center 

Work has begun on construction of a center that is a safe environment for the malnourished babies.  This center is going to be a place for training, medical, counseling, discipleship and so much more when complete.  The roof was recently completed and all 42 windows and doors have been installed.  Another $50,000 will cover the finishing work inside the building so it can begin receiving furnishings to open as a hospital.


Skill Training 

Many in Uganda and out in the villages make on average less than $1 a day.  They need skills to help them sustain themselves.  Twelve sewing machines have been purchased and training began in 2 locations on sewing diapers for babies to sell.  They are also sewing sanitary pads, clothes, baby carriers and more.  The girls are learning business practices with budgets, investments and more.

Some of the boys have been trained to raise pigs, chickens, make necklace's and much more.


Jesus Film ​

The Jesus Film is being shown regularly in schools, churches, villages and other places of northern Uganda.  The DVD received includes every language in Uganda so we are praying for God to speak through this opportunity to reach many in their own language.  Because of COVID and schools and churches not meeting, it has not been possible to show it.



Many children in Uganda never have the opportunity to attend school because their family can not afford school fees.  Many children have smiles and hope thanks to sponsors who sends $50 a month or a one time gift.  This money also helps with school uniform, medical needs, supplies and food at home and more.  Some sponsors have purchased a bike for $100 to help a child get to school easier than walking the long distance!.


Discipleship & Bibles 

Discipleship is happening in 5 remote villages currently with over 1000 attending the weekly groups.  When they complete the 3 month classes and testing, a Bible is presented to each one who passed,  The testimonies and rejoicing from people who never thought it was ever possible, is so awesome.  $10 can have an eternal impact for people who are only trying to get enough money for a meal that day.

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